TMJ Orthotics Near You on Clermont

A practice dedicated to the developing science of airway health and the factors which lead to sleep problems in adult and child patients.

Aesthetic Carefully DesignedTMJ Orthotics can provide you with a 90 day treatment, virtually pain-free, healthy life and improve your overall well-being.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ Disorder, is a condition that affects the joint connecting your upper jaw. It can cause various symptoms, including jaw, face, or neck pain, difficulty chewing or speaking, and a clicking or grinding noise in your jaw.


TMJ orthotics, or oral orthotics or mouth guards, are medical devices used to treat TMJ disorders. Our skilled dentist, Dr. Atousa Safavi, can help with your TMJ disorder using our TMJ orthotics. We can assist you to improve your and your family’s overall health.

Schedule your completely FREE, no obligation, TMJ Splint consultation NOW and take the first step toward protecting your health.

We offer easy, affordable financing and also work with your dental insurance company to provide you with the maximum reimbursement of your treatment cost.

TMJ Orthotics Custom Made for Your TMJ Disorders

Enjoy a pain-free, healthy life and improve your well-being with TMJ Orthotics treatment. If you experience pain in your jaw muscle and discomfort while eating or speaking, you may have a TMJ disorder. Our highly experienced and caring dentist, Dr. Atousa Safavi, can treat your TMJ disorder with extreme care using TMJ orthotics or any other required TMJ treatment options.

The TMJ orthotics or TMJ Aesthetic Mouthguards we use for your treatment are custom-designed to relieve jaw joint pain. The Orthotics functions like a mouth guard or a crutch, taking pressure off your joints and allowing them to heal more naturally.

Benefits of TMJ Orthotics

A TMJ dental orthotics is a dental apparatus, often custom-fitted, designed to address and alleviate TMJ disorder symptoms. Its primary purpose is to create a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to alter your bite. We need to minimize the impact of damaging behaviors such as teeth grinding and clenching. The key functions of TMJ orthotics include:

  • Reducing Muscle Tension: TMJ orthotics relax the jaw and ease muscle tension, helping with jaw movement. This alleviation aids in reducing pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorder.
  • Preventing Teeth Grinding and Clenching: TMJ orthotics act as a protective layer between the upper and lower teeth. This barrier prevents teeth from touching, which reduces damage caused by grinding and clenching. Grinding and clenching are common in people with TMJ disorder.
  • Repositioning the Jaw: Some TMJ orthotics are designed to reposition the jaw into a more natural alignment. This realignment can help to reduce the strain on the temporomandibular joint and associated muscles.
  • Aiding in Symptom Diagnosis: In some cases, we may use TMJ orthotics as a diagnostic tool. Using the splint can help understand the cause of your TMJ disorder by reducing symptoms.

Looking for the best TMJ specialist near you? Visit Aligned Healing for pain relief and get peace of mind with our state-of-the-art solutions.

The Role of TMJ orthotics In Treating TMJ Disorders

TMJ orthotics play a crucial role in the treatment of TMJ disorders. They help immediately by reducing the effects of tooth grinding and clenching, which often cause TMJ pain. By altering the bite and promoting optimal jaw positioning, they reduce strain on the temporomandibular joint, helping to alleviate discomfort and improve functionality.

Moreover, TMJ orthotics contribute to the long-term treatment of TMJ disorders. Using them regularly can help align your jaw naturally and also reduce symptoms from coming back. TMJ orthotics protect teeth, preventing damage and dental problems.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Individuals experiencing symptoms that signal TMJ disorders may benefit from a TMJ Orthotics (MyoAligner). These symptoms can include:

  • Persistent jaw pain or tenderness
  • Difficulty or discomfort while chewing
  • Pain around the ear
  • Frequent headaches or neck aches
  • Facial pain
  • Jaws that get “stuck” or “locked” in the open or closed mouth position
  • Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint when you close or open your mouth
  • Changes in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together

Schedule your completely FREE, no obligation, TMJ Splint consultation NOW and take the first step toward protecting your health.

The Procedure For Getting A TMJ Orthotic

Comprehensive TMJ/TMD Risk Assessment: 

Your First Step to Relief and Optimal Dental Health  Each patient’s comprehensive evaluation is $488 and includes all of the following, unless otherwise noted below:  Appointment #1: 
  • Head and Neck Exam and Measurements:  This examination evaluates the alignment, movement, and health of your jaw, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and surrounding structures. By assessing for any irregularities or signs of dysfunction, we can identify potential TMJ/TMD issues early on. This information helps us develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve discomfort and promote optimal dental health. 
  • Risk Assessment Questionnaire: This questionnaire gathers essential information about your oral health and potential risk factors. It covers a range of topics, including symptoms you may be experiencing and any previous treatments or therapies you have undergone. By carefully analyzing your responses, our dental team can gain a deeper understanding of your specific situation and identify any potential risk factors related to TMJ/TMD. This information allows us to tailor our treatment approach to address your unique needs and provide you with personalized care.
  • Health History Questionnaire: The health history questionnaire allows us to gather comprehensive information about your health, previous treatment history, and more. This important information ensures patient safety as we develop a personalized treatment. 
  • 3D Scan: A 3D scan, also known as a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan, is a valuable tool that provides detailed and accurate information about your jaw and temporomandibular joints (TMJ). By capturing high-resolution images in three dimensions, we can visualize your jaw’s structure, alignment, and any potential irregularities. This technology aids in diagnosing and planning effective treatments for TMJ/TMD issues by offering precise measurements and enhanced visualization. The 3D scan ensures personalized care and optimal dental health outcomes by providing comprehensive information for tailored treatment plans. PLEASE NOTE: The 3D scan will be sent to a radiologist MD to be read and interpreted. The results will be sent back to the dental office. 
  • Intraoral and Extraoral Photos: Intraoral and extraoral photos serve as visual documentation of the patient’s oral and facial structures. They capture the current state of the teeth, jaw position, facial proportions, and overall facial appearance. These photos provide a baseline reference for comparison during the treatment process, allowing for objective evaluation of treatment progress and outcomes. 
  • Home Sleep Test Screening: The home sleep test is primarily aimed at evaluating sleep quality and identifying potential sleep-related breathing disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While its main focus is not TMJ/TMD, the test can indirectly relate to these conditions as they can have a shared relationship. TMJ/TMD symptoms may impact sleep quality, and sleep disorders like OSA can exacerbate TMJ/TMD symptoms. By conducting a home sleep test, we can identify sleep-related breathing disorders that may influence TMJ/TMD symptoms, allowing for comprehensive treatment plans that address both conditions and promote overall well-being. We use in-home sleep tests called VivoScore. The VivoScore is a non-invasive ring worn on the finger for 3 nights. It is a pulse oximeter that monitors your oxygen levels, heart rate and rhythm and how it relates to your oxygenation overnight. In some instances, we will refer you for an in-office sleep study. PLEASE NOTE: The 3D scan will be sent to a radiologist MD to be read and interpreted. The results will be sent back to the dental office. 
Appointment #2:  ● Physical Therapy (PT) Session  Please Note: There is a $100 fee for each PT session.  This PT session focuses on improving jaw function. It includes manual therapy techniques to relieve muscle tension and enhance joint function. You may also be given exercises for strengthening and stabilization of the TMJ, pain management strategies, and self-care/ lifestyle tips. The goal is to reduce pain, improve jaw function, and enhance overall well-being by targeting the underlying musculoskeletal factors related to TMJ/TMD.  ● TENS Unit Session  The TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit is used to help alleviate pain, relax muscles, and improve jaw function. It involves the application of low-level electrical currents through electrodes placed on the skin around the jaw and facial muscles. The TENS unit delivers gentle electrical impulses that stimulate the nerves and promote muscle relaxation. This helps reduce muscle tension, relieve pain, and increase blood circulation in the affected area.  By utilizing the TENS unit during TMJ therapy, it can assist in providing temporary relief from TMJ-related discomfort and serve as a preparatory step for subsequent treatments to help achieve optimal jaw alignment and function.  ● Bite Registration with ‘Myobite’  A bite registration captures the relationship between the upper and lower teeth. It serves as a record of the patient’s bite, allowing the dentist to assess occlusion and identify any irregularities or imbalances that may contribute to TMJ pain. This diagnostic tool helps in planning appropriate treatments to align the bite and alleviate TMJ pain. By optimizing the bite, the goal is to reduce strain on the TMJ and promote proper jaw function, providing relief from TMJ-related discomfort.    ● Review of Findings:  We will present and discuss the results of the evaluation with you. Here’s an overview of what a Review of Findings may entail: 
  • Medical and Dental History: A review of the patient’s medical and dental history is conducted to identify any relevant pre-existing conditions, past treatments, or potential risk factors related to TMJ. 
  • Clinical Examination: The findings from the clinical examination, which may include an evaluation of the jaw joints, muscles, bite, range of motion, and presence of any signs or symptoms related to TMJ, are reviewed. 
  • Imaging and Diagnostic Tests: The results from your X-rays and 3D scan are analyzed to assess the structure, alignment, and condition of the temporomandibular joints and surrounding tissues. 
  • Bite Analysis: The findings from the Myobite (bite registration) are reviewed to assess the relationship between the upper and lower teeth and identify any bite discrepancies or occlusal issues. 
  • Symptom Assessment: The patient’s reported symptoms and their severity, such as pain, clicking or popping sounds, limited jaw movement, or muscle tension, are reviewed and correlated with the clinical findings. 
  • Diagnosis: By analyzing these findings and correlating them with the patient’s symptoms, a diagnosis is made, and an individualized treatment plan can be developed to address the specific TMJ condition, provide relief from pain and discomfort, and improve jaw function. 
  • Importance of intervention: Intervention for TMJ issues is crucial due to the potential impact on oral health and overall well-being. Timely intervention helps address the underlying causes, alleviates symptoms, and prevents further deterioration. By implementing appropriate treatment, it is possible to improve jaw function, reduce pain and discomfort, and enhance overall quality of life. Early intervention also minimizes the risk of long-term complications and promotes optimal oral health, allowing individuals to enjoy a pain-free, functional, and healthy jaw. 
● Present Treatment Options:  The dentist will present and discuss the available treatment options for addressing the identified TMJ issues. This may include a combination of strategies such as pain management techniques, dental or orthodontic interventions, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. The dentist will explain the potential benefits, risks, and expected outcomes of each treatment option, considering the patient’s unique circumstances.  ● Development of a Customized Treatment Plan:  Based on the review of findings, the dentist will work collaboratively with the patient to develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan will take into account the patient’s specific needs, preferences, and overall health considerations, aiming to address the identified TMJ issues effectively.  ● Review Payment Plan Options:  We understand that financing airway treatment can be a concern for families. We will provide a comprehensive overview of various financing options available to make your treatment plan more affordable and accessible. From dental insurance coverage and flexible payment plans to third-party financing and healthcare credit cards, we will explore different avenues that can help you manage the financial aspects of your treatment. Our goal is to ensure that your treatment journey is not hindered by financial barriers, empowering you to prioritize your health and well-being.  To get a TMJ orthotics, our skilled dentist will do a thorough evaluation. The exam typically involves reviewing your medical and dental history. It also includes examining the jaw, face, and other related areas. We will obtain a CBCT and will screen for the need of a Sleep Home test as well. Since TMJD and Sleep are closely related. Our skilled dentist will follow these steps to apply an orthotics if they determine it is necessary.
  • Digital Impression: This initial step involves our skilled dentist taking a digital impression or mold of the upper and lower teeth. Our dentist uses this mold to create a custom-fit splint.
  • Creation: The mold is used to create a splint. The time needed to make a splint varies depending on the type. It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • Fitting: Once the splint is ready, you will return to our dentist for a fitting session. Our dentist will place the splint in your mouth and check for proper fit and comfort. Adjust as necessary to ensure the splint fits snugly and comfortably.
  • Instruction: Our dentist will provide you with instructions on how to insert, remove, clean, and care for the splint.
  • Follow-Up: We will schedule regular appointments to check how you are doing with the splint and make any needed changes.

Aftercare and Adjustment of TMJ orthotics

Following a good aftercare routine is essential after the TMJ splint is appropriately fitted. This will help ensure that the splint works well and stays in good condition. Here are some critical steps for aftercare and potential adjustments:
  • Cleaning the Splint: Keeping the splint clean is essential to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup. Rinse the splint every morning and brush it lightly with a toothbrush.
  • Storage: Store the splint in a dry, safe place when not in use. Keeping it in a protective case is best to avoid damage or deformation.
  • Regular Use: For the splint to be effective, consistent use, as our dentist prescribes, is critical. If you intend to use the splint at night, wear it every night!
  • Monitor Changes: Pay attention to any changes in fit over time. If the splint becomes loose or uncomfortable, schedule an appointment with our dentist to adjust it.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular dental treatment check-ups are essential to ensure the TMJ disorder improves and the splint is still fitting correctly. Our highly experienced dentist can adjust the splint as needed during these visits.
Remember, the TMJ splint is part of an overall treatment plan for TMJ disorders. Follow any other treatments your doctor may recommend, such as exercises, medications, or lifestyle changes.

Start Protecting Your Health Today!

Are you ready to start your journey toward protecting you and your family’s health? Contact our skilled dentist, Dr. Safavi, at Aligned Healing at (303) 226-6265 or visit us at 2101 S. Aligned Healing St., Denver, CO 80222. Schedule your completely FREE, no obligation TMJ orthotics consultation NOW and take the first step toward protecting your health.
Call (303) 226-6265, and our warm and friendly dental staff will schedule your FREE TMJ Splint consultation at our dental clinic. Take the first step toward improving your smile, jaw, and overall health.

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