Top 5 Benefits of Seeing A Clinical Hypnotherapist

Benefits of seeing a clinical hypnotherapist

Top 5 Benefits of Seeing A Clinical Hypnotherapist

When people hear the words hypnosis or hypnotherapy, they instantly think of the overly dramatized representations put out there by show business and television.

These representations create a strong distortion of what Hypnosis or hypnotherapy truly are. This has resulted in people not seeing the proper need or value in these treatments or seeing a clinical hypnotherapist

In order to truly understand the benefits of seeing a clinical hypnotherapist, one must first understand what they do and the differences between the two terms.

What is Hypnosis?

The Society of Psychological Hypnosis, Division 30 of the American Psychological Association defines hypnosis as:

“A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.” 

Hypnosis is basically the act of guiding someone into a harmless altered trance state characterized by very deep relaxation, highly focused attention, and an extreme openness to suggestions which are usually positive and foster positive therapeutic changes.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an auxiliary method that makes use of hypnosis to help cure particular symptoms or medical issues. 

It is a combination of hypnosis and psychological treatment administered by a trained professional such as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, medical doctor or psychologist. 

Hypnotherapy works by generating a hypnotic state characterized by awake awareness that enables individuals to experience detached exterior attention and to concentrate on internal experiences.

Woman closing her eyes during hypnosis session

In essence, hypnosis is the mental state that makes it possible for hypnotherapy to be helpful for a variety of diseases and wellness needs. 

The two cannot coexist. Although they are related concepts, hypnosis and hypnotherapy do not have the same meaning and play different overall roles.

So why is it better to see a hypnotherapist instead of a hypnotist?

Hypnotherapy is a holistic treatment provided by practitioners with specialized training and certification.

The goal of a hypnotherapist is to help the patient get to the root cause of their problem and help them achieve long term psychological and physiological change. 

Hypnotherapy can be used for a wide range of issues, from smoking cessation to weight loss to managing pain. The best part is that it doesn’t have any side effects or risks like medications do.

Here are the top 5 benefits of seeing a clinical hypnotherapist:

1. A hypnotherapist has more training

A hypnotist is only required to complete 100-150 hours of training. When compared to other occupations, the majority of these training programs offer very little instruction and are not accredited by the Department of Education. 

Even while a hypnotist may be very competent and have years of expertise, most people who use the term are typically not as well-trained as hypnotherapists, who require a minimum of 500 hours of training.

A hypnotherapist utilizes more potent and sophisticated strategies to effect change that has the potential to persist much longer than what a hypnotist could propose to the subconscious mind.

The transformational techniques that a hypnotherapist employs not only talk to the subconscious mind but also talk with it. Hypnotherapy has a wide range of procedures, which are typically more complex and demand a lot more expertise.

2. A hypnotherapist can help reduce your Stress & Anxiety

Hypnotherapy can help you reduce your feelings of stress and anxiety by helping you relax more deeply than you would through meditation alone. 

The relaxation response that’s triggered by hypnosis encourages the body to release endorphins — feel-good hormones that promote relaxation. These endorphins help reduce stress and may relieve physical symptoms associated with anxiety disorders such as panic attacks.

Hypnotherapy also improves self-confidence and self-esteem by allowing you to focus on positive thoughts about yourself rather than negative ones. This change in focus allows you to become more aware of your positive qualities without dwelling on perceived faults or weaknesses.

3. A hypnotherapist can help you stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

If you want to quit smoking, hypnotherapy may be an option for you. Through its use of hypnosis, a hypnotherapist can help people stop smoking by changing their behavior and their thinking pattern. 

A clinical hypnotherapist will help you relax, become focused on quitting smoking, and develop new habits that replace smoking with healthier behaviors such as meditation or exercising.

With repeated sessions over time, this new association will become part of your permanent memory bank, making it easier and easier to resist temptation when you’re tempted to smoke again in the future.

4. A hypnotherapist can help you get over Phobias

Hypnotherapy has proven effective in treating many different phobias 

Phobias are irrational fears of something that poses little real danger. They are common, affecting about 25 percent of the population. 

Hypnotherapy helps people get rid of phobias by helping them relax and visualize a positive outcome. It also helps people accept their fear and see that it’s not rational. Thus addressing your fear and its effects on your life. 

5. A hypnotherapist can help you endure the Dentist

In dentistry, hypnotherapy has been used as an alternative treatment for those who suffer from severe dental phobias. It helps them get over their fear by reducing their anxiety levels before they even step into a room with drills and drills.

If you suffer from dental phobia, it’s important to understand what causes these fears so that you can avoid them or overcome them. 

Many people who fear dentists do so because they have had bad experiences with dentists in the past or because they have heard stories about others who had bad experiences with dentists.

In such cases, hypnotherapy will help patients relax and focus on their breathing while undergoing dental treatment; as well as control their stress and anxiety during dental procedures by reducing negative thoughts, which often trigger fear and panic attacks.


A clinical hypnotherapist can help with a wide range of issues that might affect your mental and physical health.

This is because hypnotherapy works on a psychological level. It’s not like going to see a doctor who will prescribe you medication or refer you for therapy. 

A certified clinical hypnotherapist, like Dr. Safavi can help you address the root cause of your problem, so that it doesn’t come back or get worse in the future.

If you are thinking about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, we’d be happy to help. Feel free to give us a call on 303-226-6265

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